The Laracasts Snippet

The Q&A Episode

Episode Summary

I keep a list of frequently asked questions, related to Laracasts and being a programmer in general. In this episode, we'll breeze through a long list; everything from Jim Henson, to DHH, to facades!

Episode Notes

I keep a list of frequently asked questions, related to Laracasts and being a programmer in general. In this episode, we'll breeze through a long list; everything from Jim Henson, to DHH, to facades!

  1. What music do you (Jeffrey) listen to when coding?
  2. Why not branch out and teach more subjects on Laracasts?
  3. Should I be using Laravel facades?
  4. Should I test every single class?
  5. Sublime, PHPStorm, or Vim?
  6. Why do developers disagree so much on best practices? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a best practice??
  7. Do you have any advice for first-time conference speakers?
  8. What do you do if you can't grok a particular coding concept?
  9. How do you refactor code, if you have no idea where to start?
  10. What theme do you use?
  11. Who are your personal, coding, and education heroes?